Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse occurs when someone uses language, whether spoken or written, to cause harm to an individual.
Neglect occurs when someone is responsible for providing care or assistance for an individual but does not.
Emotional Violence
Emotional violence occurs when someone says or does something to make someone feel stupid or worthless.
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence occurs when a person is forced to unwillingly take part in sexual activity.
Financial Abuse
Financial abuse occurs when someone controls an individual’s financial resources without the person’s consent or misuses those resources.
Spiritual Violence
Spiritual (or religious) violence occurs when someone uses an individual’s spiritual beliefs to manipulate, dominate or control that person.
Psychological Violence
occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in an individual to gain control.
Cultural Violence
Cultural violence occurs when an individual is harmed due to practices that are part of her or his culture, religion or tradition.
Feel like talking? want to know more? Use my contact info below to get in touch
LOVE, Avie
Boston, MA
Twitter: @ahorroradvocate
How do you Pronounce Ava? (see the Austrailian pronunciation)
Professional Credits: Ava M. Fields
Introducing me: Ava
Casual communications + Zoom meetings: Ava or Avie